Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"Math and Science Month"

September is the Math and Science Month. The theme is Science beyond Science. In this month, there are many activities that are related of course in these two subjects. One of the activities is poster making. I joined this activity with my two friends because there must be three members in each group. I joined also the slogan contest. This afternoon, September 30, 2009 at exactly 5:30, the final celebration for this event will start. At this time, the winners of the activities will be announced. This afternoon also, I will be dancing Magkaugnay for I and my friends are joining the Interpretative Dance contest. I am really excited for the activities this afternoon. I our dance, I am the Goddess of the Sky. I really like my role here. We are ten in the group. Each of us has a role. There is a Goddess of the Sea wearing skyblue, Goddess of the Land wearing brown attire. There are also plants, animals and etc. I really love and excited for the program.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

"My Bestfriend"

This is my bestfriend Shiela Mae H. Taghoy. She is my classmate in all my subjects 'cause we plotted the same schedules. Just like me, she is also an I.T. student. She is from Lanao del Norte and went here to continue her studies in college. She is living in my aunt that's why we became friends. In all my obstacles and problems, she is always at my side showing her full support. She is giving some advices and whenever she also needs me, I am very much willing to help her. We already encountered many obstacles to ruin our friedship but the relationship we have is very strong that nobody can destroy. The secret of our strong friendship are that, acceptance and trust to each other.
I hope that our friendship will last long.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

“My favorite Pet”

Hamsters are rodent belonging to the subfamily Cricetinae. The name hamster is derived from the German verb hamstern, which means "to hoard" because hamsters have expandable cheek pouches lined with fur to store there food. They are so cute. They are smaller than a guinea pig. My friend gave me a pair of hamster when I was having my vacation in Cagayan de Oro. When I went home, sad to say that I left my hamster. Until now, I’m communicating my sister and also ask if my favorite pets are alright. I’m still planning to get when I can go back there.

Do you belive in ghosts?

They said that ghosts are present in our surroundings even though most of us didn’t see them. Even I, myself believe in ghost. Actually, I haven’t encountered them yet but I do believe that they are true.
My mom encountered them many times because she has a mole inside her right eye. She said that one of her experience about ghost is that when she was lying on the bed. She feels somebody sits beside her and she saw that the bed shrink that looks like someone is sitting on it. She closes her eyes and after a few minutes, she looked back to the place where she thinks the ghost was sitting. The bed returns to normal. After a while, the top of the biscuit can flies and nobody is carrying on it. Then a few minutes passed, the can was put down strongly that it creates a loud noise. Even we in the kitchen heard the noise. We went hurriedly to my mom and we saw that she was lying on the bed. She was speechless when we reached the room. We asked her what happened and she tells us the whole story.
I have a friend also who has a mole inside her eye. The same with my mom, she can see also ghosts. She also told us that she already encountered them.
Even I didn’t see ghosts; I still believe that they are present. They are part of our world.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

"About Me"

I am Rosejean Rodriguez Laspuña. I have three sisters and one brother. I love to dance and play chess. I beleive in the sayings that: If there's a will, there's a way.